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5 vagas de emprego de proc de dados em bras, SP

  • Vaga de Business Analyst Intern - Vaga Afirmativa para Mulheres , Student Programs

    Brás, SP

    seller services teams. The internship provides an opportunity to learn and understand Amazon business processes, enhance analytical skills, and contribute to make significant business impact.As an intern...

    Publicada em 25/04/2024
  • Vaga de Vendor Management Intern , Student Programs

    Brás, SP

    on continuously improving processes. As an intern, you will be matched to a manager and a mentor. In addition to learning about an impactful project, you will have the opportunity to engage with...

    Publicada em 23/02/2024
  • Vaga de Business Analyst Intern, Student Programs

    Brás, SP

    intern you will be trained in one of our business intelligence, retail, or seller services teams. The internship provides an opportunity to learn and understand Amazon business processes, enhance...

    Publicada em 24/11/2023
  • Vaga de Analista de Supply Chain | Supply Chain Analyst

    Brás, SP

    logistics processes with Amazon, analyze supply chain problems, and develop sustainable solutions to avoid financial losses and bring the best experience to our customers. In this position, you will report to...

    Publicada em 04/03/2024
  • Vaga de Intern

    Brás, SP

    nas áreas de Prevenção à Lavagem de Dinheiro e Financiamento do Terrorismo, Autenticação e Verificação de Identidade, Prevenção de Fraudes, Mitigação de Riscos de Crédito e Gerenciamento de Dados do Cliente...

    Publicada em 23/01/2024
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